Hei alle sammen, noen av dere har observert vi har vært på en kort ferietur til familie i Tyrkia. Her en smakebit fra min blog på engelsk. Min ABC3 - M finner du under dette innlegget-----.
Where we stayed in Istanbul - Erenköy
When we stayed in Istanbul, we were guests in Metin Leander’s Grandmothers wonderful appartement in Erenköy district on the Asian part of Istanbul. This part of Istanbul used to be a resort area with large wooden-buildings and Gardens.
People went over here from the European side and stayed in these wonderful residences during the Summers. But after WW 2, when the Economy in Turkey was very bad, many houseowners could not afford to maintain these houses anylonger. Instead of letting the houses lapse, many owners started to build appartement houses in the late 50’ies and in the 60’es. Hence, this part of Istanbul is today a modern “green” part of megacity Istanbul (13 million people lives in the bigger Istanbul).
A Walk along the Marmara Sea
One afternoon, we decided to have a walk at the Beachfront, only some minutes walk away from the Appartement.
The whole beachfront is a Public Park, several kilometers long. We had a 2 hours walk. It is seperate lanes for bikers and walkers.
Here you see a tiny Beach for Sunlickers and Swimmers. In the background are the Princess Islands.
Windsurfing is popular. Princess Islands in background.
Here you can rent a surf
All along the Beachfront: Men Fishing
Metin Leander in a swing for the first time and Ingelin.
Sugarspin- and Cornstand. Anna and Ingelin were not interested.
Just before Sunset, we left the shores of Marmara Sea. What a wonderful recreational walk.
These photos may have given you a different picture of Istanbul, than you might have imagined this megacity.
More to come….
PS. Do not forget to look in here.
Hei, hei Tor. Takker hjertligst for ditt besøk og kommentar. Takk også for svært fornøyelig lesning fra både India og Tyrkia. Lenge siden jeg har vært på reisefot selv, glemmer nesten at det finnes en verden utenfor...
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Istanbul!!! Tu nous raconteras tout quand nous serons à Oslo!!!
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